
Below are various tools that can aid healthy wellbeing (just click on the picture next to the brief to be re-directed to the source).


I hope you can utilise the links to give yourself something back, whether this be energy, motivation, relaxation, a piece of your jigsaw, clarity and vision, confidence, or a move towards personal acceptance.



The pages will be updated regularly so do pop back from time to time and check in, or alternatively contact me to add you to the mailing list for key updates.






Five ways to Wellbeing

Inspirational Talks:

A lot of the links are TED talks, (if you've not yet come across this platform I warn you may loose chunks of time finding new ones!) and have great messages, learns and skills that I hope you find value in.


Brené Brown: The Power of Vulnerability (20 mins long)

Brené Brown studies human connection: Our ability to empathize, belong, love. In a poignant, funny talk, she shares a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. A talk to share.

Mel Robbins: How to stop screwing yourself over (22 mins long)

Widely respected for her grab-em-by-the-collar advice and tough love, Robbins drills through the mental clutter that stands between people and what they want.

Caroline McHugh: The Art of being yourself (26 mins long)

Caroline McHugh is founder and CEO of IDOLOGY, a movement dedicated to helping individuals and organisations be fully deployed, original versions of themselves.

*Note: this talk was aimed at women, but true value to all genders.

Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes you (20 mins long)

Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves. Social Psychologist Amy Cuddy shows how "power posing"- standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don't feel confident- can affect testosterone and cortisol levels in the brain and might have an impact on our chances for success.


Self Care


I've chosen to share some of Adriene Mishler's work as she has a great mix of 7, 10 and 30 minute yoga sessions.  The short sessions are a small introduction for anyone who has not yet tried yoga, and great for those short on time but who may want to feel a bit more connected and balanced.

Yoga: Adriene, Self Care (10 mins long)

We spend a lot of time on our phones, computers, in traffic, working and taking care of others, take ten minutes to tend to your mind and that combines yoga asana, breath and massage for healing and mindfulness practice.


Yoga: Adriene, Anxiety (20 mins long)

Use the tools of Yoga to find peace and support from within. This sample practice is hands free and low to the ground. Good for when you are feeling anxiety or seeking more balance in your life. Use this practice to tend to your mind and your thoughts.

Yoga: Adriene, 5-Minute Morning (5.5 Mins long)

Don't have a lot of time but want to set the tone for the day ahead? Take 5 minutes to promote healthy flow of energy so that you can do your best, be authentic and find whats good! Remember a little goes a long way!

Yoga: Adriene, 30 days of Yoga, Day 1 (34 mins long)

Ease into 30 days of Yoga with an open mind, curiosity and kindness to self.

Meditation and Mindfulness:

Meditation: A guide for Beginners

A great resource to increase awareness of what meditation practice is, alongside practical tips on how you can begin your own practice.       (Resource link researched and supplied by Scout: Hailey)

Meditation: Adriene, Meditation for Inner Peace (12 mins long)

This 10 minute practice is a simple meditation that will help create the foundation for for inner peace.

Meditation and Relaxation:

A great App to support meditation and relaxation. The visual element of this app often helps a wandering mind by giving it a visual to focus on. 


Great to use daily to give a busy mind and body small pockets of calm, rest and peace.


Mixture of free programs and guided lessons.


Meditation, Mindfulness and deep breathing: Pacifica App (Various lengths of session)

Easy to download to your smart phone. This app has varous function's to aid relaxation, review mood and thought, and supports in learning new coping techniques for better wellbeing. 

Meditation: Headspace App (10 mins long)

Easy to download to your smart phone, this app teaches you the basics to meditation and gives you a free 10 day programme to follow. Great for new beginners and though who may need a prompt to do the practice!

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